Monday, September 29, 2008

The Kids Activities!!

Right now life is really hectic. Scott is playing fall baseball and in piano lessons. He has baseball practice twice a week with a game every Saturday from now until November. He got really upset with himself last Saturday when he got out at 2nd base. He ran ever so slightly past 2nd base and got right back on the bag, but during that short amount of time the other team managed to get him out. He went to the dugout crying. When Todd asked him what was wrong he said, "That was a dumb mistake, I knew better than to run past the base." Oh well, lesson learned.

Katelynn is in dance once a week for an hour and a half. She takes ballet, jazz, and tap. She absolutely loves it!! She is constantly dancing! When we went to Daytona Beach over the summer on vacation she was dancing on the beach. You can often find her dancing in front of our fireplace where she can see her reflection in the glass, but don't try to spy. If she catches you, well.........let's just say it's not pleasant.

Haley is just along for the ride. She does however play with a friend twice a week. My friend and I swap babies so we can go up to the school and volunteer. They are 6 weeks apart and play really well together.

I thought when the kids went back to school I'd have all this extra time. Boy was I wrong.

So what does Haley do all day while her brother and sister are gone?

She plays with our puppy, Max. We got Max back in July and he has been a fun addition to our family. Haley and Max have become best friends. They chase each other around the house making all sorts of playful noise. Haley loves the dog so much she climbed in his crate and needed help to get back out. I wish I had a picture of that one. She is so funny and keeps us rolling with the things she does.

First Day Of School

My friend Angie convinced me to start this blog so here goes nothing!! Scott and Katelynn started school at the beginning of August. Scott is in 2nd grade and Katelynn is in Kindergarten. It is so fun to watch Scott take care of his little sister and show her the ropes. He's very protective of her on the bus. No one is allow to sit by her, just him! They have grown up so much! So far they are loving their teachers and enjoying learning.