Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monster Cookies!

Check out these Monster Finger Cookies we did as a family activity. They were super yummy.

Scott's motive for making these cookies was to freak out his friends the next day at lunch!

Even Haley got involved!

My princess, Katelynn. Loves making cookies even if they are a little weird looking.
Trunk or Treat
So we went to our ward "Trunk-or-Treat" Saturday night. There was moonwalks, cakewalks, candy everywhere, and oh yes...puking to add the the festivities. The children were getting ready to go from car to car to collect candy when Haley puked all over herself. Thanks to my quick reaction, it was contained to her thick dinosaur costume. No problem, we'll just take off the costume and she's good to go. It must of been all that bouncing in the moonwalk that upset her stomach right? No way it was a stomach bug. Todd wanted to go home right then, but I couldn't deprive Katelynn and Scott of the candy they were so excited about getting. So I kept Haley with me and passed out candy to the kids that were coming around when she puked again. We darted home after that. The poor thing threw up every hour until 3am and a sleep deprived mom had to get up early for church and teach her gospel doctrine class. Ahhhh, the joys of motherhood:) She's feeling fine now and no one else in the family has gotten the stomach bug. (knock on wood!!)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Festivities!!

Fall is here and so are all the festivals!! The kids elementary school puts on a fall festival every year sponsored by the PTA. It is the responsibility of the room parents to come up with a booth(some carnival type game), find people to run the booth and make a creative poster to try to earn money for the teacher to spend in the classroom. As room parent in Katelynn's class and one of the assistant room parent's in Scott's class, you can imagine what I've been doing. The kids had a blast and the effort was well worth it.

My parents own a silk screening business and set up a booth at the Apple Fest in the North Georgia Mountains. They have been doing this for the past 10 years or so. My mom, my dad, my brother Randall, my nephew Wade, and I all went up Friday and we will be doing it again this weekend. Working with my family is actually a lot of fun. Randall has to make sure he lives up to his responsibilities as a big brother and of course I have to do the same as a little sister. He was teasing me quite a bit, so in response when he asked for a Dr. Pepper, I made sure to shake it for him :)

The kids are all geared up for Halloween. Yesterday Scott mentioned that he wanted to be a missionary then changed his mind. "I want to be Kroger!" (a grocery store) How do I pull that one off??? Thank goodness my 8 year old nephew Kyler called this morning and asked Scott to be an army dude with him. That one I can do! I'm trying to talk Katelynn into being a ballerina. She has an absolutely gorgeous ballet costume from her dance recital last June. What better way to get your money worth out of a $60.00 ballerina costume right? I love watching the kids trick-or-treat, it's so much fun!