Sunday, March 1, 2009


I think the pictures say it all!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Little Bit of Everything

It has been toooo long since my last post. I got sucked into facebook which it totally addicting, but so much fun! Anyways, we've had 2 birthdays and a baptism to report on!
Scott's 8th birthday was February 6th. I can't believe he's 8. It doesn't seem so long ago when he was just a baby saying, "appy, appy, appy" (that's how he said happy...he'd say it over and over and was the cutest thing ever!) I'm coming to the realization that whether or not I like it, he's growing up and I need to relinquish some control and allow him to make his own decisions and feel the weight of those consequences whether they are good or bad. Anyways...back to him........He had a good birthday. I brought him Chick-Fil-A for lunch at school and then he passed out cupcakes to his classmates. After dinner we sang happy birthday, had Cold Stone Cupcakes, and he opened his birthday presents. We kept it low key as to keep the emphasis on his decision to be be baptized.

Scott was baptized February 8th at 2:30pm by his daddy. It was the sweetest experience. His Uncle Randall gave a talk on baptism and his grandpa Tingen spoke on the Holy Ghost. Todd confirmed Scott a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Scott was given the gift of the Holy Ghost. The words that were spoken during the confirmation blessing were beautiful and the spirit filled the room. As it ended, Scott had a couple of tears in his eyes as he shook the hand of those in the circle. Grandpa Wade gave a heartfelt closing prayer and after that, Scott was weeping. His arms were clutched around my neck holding me as tight as he could. "Scott, are you upset about something?" I asked. He just shook his head no still weeping. "Are you just happy?" I asked. A nod in affirmation. "Are you feeling the spirit?" I asked. He responded with "Yes!" There is no doubt that he was in fact feeling the spirit and was touched by it. Later on that night when I tucked him into bed he said, "Mom, it is so cool to have the spirit!" Yes it is!!!

Haley Monster!

January 5th Haley turned 2. She is our fire ball of personality. She enjoyed celebrating her birthday with her grandparents. She is so funny! She's talking so well and cracks us up with the things he says and does. The other day she threw the dog's rope and said "Maxy run!!" She loves her dog!!! The other day Katelynn came home from school with these lips that sound like a kazoo when you blow into them. Haley got a hold of them and I thought I'd die laughing! She would try to blow so hard and yet the lips would make just the slightest sound. Here are some pictures that I took.

I walked into the playroom the other day to find her playing "nite nite" in her doll's crib.

She makes my days interesting!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Precious Moments!

Katelynn: to me "I will still love you when I'm in Heaven."
Me: "I will love you too, but you can't go to Heaven without me okay?"
Katelynn: "Why"
Me: "I'd miss you way too much!"

These are the sweet moments in life I adore.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

10 Year Anniversary!

Todd and I celebrated out 10 year anniversary January 2nd. I can't believe 10 years has gone by so quickly. We have been blessed beyond measure these past 10 years. We celebrated by going to Fogo De Chao which is a Brazilan churrascaria. Todd has been wanting to take me there for a while, so this was the perfect opportunity. I've been to to Tucanos and Rodizio on my visits to Utah and thought it couldn't get any better than that. I was wrong. Fogo is by far the best food and service I have ever had and well worth the pricy bill. I ate WAY to much!

So then we headed to the PGA super store about 2 miles down the road. Anyone that knows Todd knows he can't be that close to a golf store and not go in. We got there close to 8:00 and they were already closed. So we headed downtown to Centennial Olympic Park to see the holiday lights and go ice skating. The park wasn't to far from where Todd works so we stopped by so I could see the building he works in and his cubical which is actually bigger than I had imagined.

His office building is really pretty. He works on the 12th floor and has an awesome view out his window. I tried to take a picture, but there was to much glare from the window. Anyway this is what his building looks like.

Just down the street from where he works is what Atlanta is know for......


Anyway, so after our little detour, we made our way to Centennial Olympic Park. The lights were beautiful. I love being downtown with all the big buildings and espcially at night with all the lights. The park was beautiful!

Much like our wedding day, it was rainy, but not near as cold. Sorry about the rain spots in the pictures:(

The fountains at the park were really pretty as well. This was the only fountain that was actually on. The others had been turned off due to the severe drought that we've had.

So, Here is where it gets a little interesting. We walked down to the ice skating rink to discover it was smaller than it looked on the internet and the line was horrible and very slow moving. We debated whether or not to leave, but decided to stick it out. After almost an hour of waiting, we got our ice skates. These were not just any ice skates. These skates were designed for the sole purpose of causing so much pain to the person wearing them that they couldn't possibly skate too long without severe consequences to their feet and ankle. They were not lace up, but buckled on the sides right where the ball of your ankle is. They had to be hockey skates because they didn't have toe picks which made it a little difficult to stop. Everyone was complaining about these skates. Anyway, so we stepped onto the ice. This is what it looked like.

Almost as soon as we stepped on the ice the mini zamboni came out and this is what the ice looked like afterward......I kid you not!!

A lot of good the zamboni did. Don't ask how we managed to skate on that without falling every two seconds. Needless to say, we didn't last to long on the ice, but we had fun together anyway. After that we went to Starbucks for some hot chocolate and called it a night.

I could not have asked for a better husband and best friend. I'm looking forward to spending the next.......well, eternity with him! Happy Anniversary, Todd. I love you!!