Friday, November 7, 2008

Most Loved Mommy!

As usual, when Katelynn got home from school yesterday, she asked for a snack which was some sort of junk food. She wanted something else so she got into her Halloween candy. Still not satisfied with that, proceeded to get something out of the pantry to maximize her sugar intake. I told her no, that if she was still hungry, she needed something like an apple, banana, or something healthy. She was having none of it. So, I left her alone for awhile and came back to a most heartfelt note lying on the kitchen counter which read, "I hat you mommy". I couldn't help but chuckle. She changed her attitude and after dinner crossed out the "hat" and wrote "I love you mommy". I love you too Katelynn!


Angie said...

Ha! That's pretty funny. Your kids look cute on halloween. Tell Todd Happy Birthday... None of us got our wish for McCain to win. :( I'm jealous of the warm weather you're having. Luckily we got our heater fixed today.

Amy said...

Cute note!

Glad you found me. Your kids are beautiful. Isn't it crazy how times flies?

chelseareeve said...

That is hilarious. I am glad that you have a cute little family. I am also glad that you found me. I am confused how you found me. I thought you said you found me through Angie, but I didn't know Angie had a blog. I will have to stalk Angie, Amy and whoever else from your blog. Sweet.

chelseareeve said...

Are you invited to Natalee's blog? Will you PLEASE ask her to invite me to her blog? My email is Thanks so much!!!