Monday, December 15, 2008

Family Photos

We have for the last 2 weekends been trying to take our own family photos. We set up our dining room as our studio with a plush brown blanket between the blinds of the window and put our coffee table under the blanket as our platform. We went to wolf camera and bought a remote switch for our camera so we could snap the shot while we were in place instead of setting the timer and scrambling to get set. Brilliant in theory and probably would've worked if we have 3 cooperative subjects. It was soooooo stressful trying to make the kids laugh, smile, and sit still.
After taking at least 100 photos and not one we liked, we called for! We went to our neighborhood play area where there was a perfect setting for our photos. They turned out so much better and we got it done ten times faster. Lesson year, ask for help first!! I made a little video of our adventure. Enjoy!


Angie said...

Ha!! So cute and so funny. I totally know how that goes.

Amanda said...

I love your video and all your pictures! Your kids are so cute and I can't believe how much they've grown since we last saw ya'll.